Movie Watching Gabby's Wish

Gabby's WishMovie Watching Gabby's Wish

Gabby's Wish Synopsis:

Year: 2012
Duration: 1 h 35 min
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family
Director: Hollie Olson
Writer: Hollie Olson
Cast: Catherine Johnson, Adrienne King, Marcella Laasch, Jonathan McGinley

Gabby Burkshire wealthy and a world traveler, has lost touch with her family. Now in her fifties, she's widowed, sick, and dying. With no children, she invites her extended family to her home for a short visit to become reacquainted and identify an heir for her fortune. She soon discovers how much her estranged family has lost touch with her, and with each other. Gabby becomes the eye of a storm that has them all dealing with unresolved issues, broken relationships, greed, backstabbing, and sadness. Gabby's Wish is a character driven story with a true life sense of humor that is both funny and touching. As each of their personalities clarifies around her, like details in a developing photo, who will she choose?

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